Work for Assessment 9 - Paper Circus

I did some doodling to generate ideas.
Then started messing around with coloured paper. I feel that red and yellow are circus colours.
I started with the 2 poles spiked into a piece of cardboard which I covered with white paper and worked out from there. To try and keep the spontaneity I didn't really plan what I was trying to make.
Fitting the coloured paper around the back of the tent left me with some extra which can be rolled out to look like curtains.
I experimented with a domed roof but I couldn't get it to sit on the structure so this is a flat sheet slightly curved over the top.
Testing out lettering, serifs feel very circus.
Then I realised that I'd left the date on the table.
I've tried to keep the information to a minimum to avoid clutter but it is probably could do with more detail about venue and prices. A local would know where Boxmoor is but a visitor could be confused. The phone number doesn't show up very well against the yellow so I darkened it with photoshop.
It needs a good photograph with the right lighting. I've only got a camera phone and an iPad but I tried different approaches with the torch function and an angle poise lamp.
Lit from within has potential but the lettering needs to be suspended so it can be seen.
I tried some experiments with Photoshop.
This is unfinished, it was taking ages and the quality was poor.

This is a little bit better but I've lost the contrast, particularly in the trapeze artist so there isn't enough detail to see them or understand what they represent. I've gone a bit overboard with the colour saturation too.

Using paper as a medium takes a long time. I'm sure that I would be quicker with practicebut it still takes a quite while to construct the image. I had planned to do a 2D version but I've run out of time.  3D constructions are only as good as their photographs and there is a lot more choice in view and angle which in a 2D picture has already been fixed.
I'm not bothered by the restrictions of using paper as a medium, I think that having too much choice of medium available encourages me to make incoherent pictures because I keep throwing different things at a problem rather than trying to resolve it. The fact that paper can be made into a 2D or 3D structure increased rather than decreased the possibilities for creativity.

My tutor liked this (apparently it was an unusual approach which I'm proud of) She felt that the text could be added digitally over the photo of the model which sounds like an excellent idea. I was being a bit too literal in my interpretation of the brief.

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