Tuesday, 30 January 2018

Exercise - Draw, draw and draw again

I picked this photo which I took a couple of years ago in one of my favourite cafes. The first drawing was made using 0.05 and 0.1 fineliner pens. I'm trying to move away from using pencil in order to be bolder and to make drawings that scan better.
cafe roma with dog
There is some nice contrast in the original photo which is difficult to represent with a fineliner.
cafe roma with dog 1
This is my quick drawing made with a fountain pen. It's made poorer by missing the contrast.
cafe roma with dog 2
So I did a wash of black ink which is probably a bit too bold.
cafe roma with dog 3
This was an extra version where I drew first in black ink then added thinner lines with a dip pen. In some ways I'm happier with this one though I can't get over the blob of black ink that makes the lady with the hat look like a pirate.
cafe roma with dog 4
This version was done using only the other drawings as reference material. I started by drawing the figures with a 0.05 fineliner then added the dark areas with a black pencil.  I think that it looks bit scribbly and the table has disappeared.
cafe roma with dog 5
Finally the same ladies drawn from memory.  This is my preferred version of the dog but the lady with the hat has lost expression. I chickened out here and used pencil.
I like to have more than one go at an exercise so I chose this photo of an intriguing couple, taken from a train.

I made 4 drawings but then got completely distracted by my preparations of my last course for assessment so now I can't remember which order I did them in or which represents what. For completeness here they are anyway.

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